Soap Making

Making Soap with Beeswax

There are basically 4 processes to making soap:

  1. Cold-Process (traditional saponification involving a chemical reaction between an acid (fats) and a base
  2. Hand-milling (grated cold-process)
  3. Melt & Pour (melted glycerin)
  4. The ‘cooking’ method. Becky Tipton, my mentor, has been working on a Hot-Process soap production. I’ll have more on that process at a later date.

The process I use in my out-line below is the traditional cold-process method.

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Honey bees teach young people to be patient, gentle, and good stewards of the natural world.


Honey bees are superb teachers when trying to instill an environmental awareness and conservation ethic in young people. In learning about the importance of honey bee pollination, they realize how living things depend on other living things and that, while a few insects are pests, many are essential to our survival. Honey bees teach young people to be patient and gentle. Hastiness and carelessness have painful consequences, a lesson honey bees can teach you at a young age if you keep them. Honey bees are superb teachers.

Dr. Marion Ellis